How to entertain children during the trip

They start the Easter holidays, which would be the same for summer, Christmas or any other weekend. After months or days of preparations we finally started towards our deserved rest destinations, there is only one more test to pass and perhaps it is one of the most difficult. How to entertain children during the trip? Without dying in the attempt, we could add.

Here begins a complicated circus session, with its clowns, its contortionists and their numbers of tigers and lions. Anything to keep them entertained, for their sake and especially for the sake of our mental state.

I am not an expert in sound, but I am certainly not mistaken in affirming that listening to a recital of screams, cries and complaints from one or more children in a car is probably one of the easiest ways to drastically reduce the lifespan of eardrums, as well as, the density of neurons per cubic centimeter of adult brain. And yes, we specify adult brain because I am sure that when you are a child you have a defense system that protects you against your own decibels, something like spider venom, which does not affect them. Well, the same thing happens with the screams of your children, they only affect those eardrums that have lost this system of protection, which seems to be lost sometime between twenty and thirty-thirty (you realize when one day you go to a concert and it takes you to hear from those around you three days again).

As it seems that car manufacturers have not come up with the happy idea of ​​soundproofing the back of the vehicles and the vocal cords of a minor are bombproof, nor made of kevlar would endure such vibration, and it goes to make necessary the use of different methods of distraction or deterrence (or whatever it takes) to prevent us from leaving them in some service area in the grip of a mental alienation attack.

When one travels with a single child in the car and encounters this problem one can always try to calm him down and redirect him, with greater or lesser fortune, towards activities more in keeping with the fauna and flora of our eustachian tubes. But when there is an indeterminate number of creatures, the thing becomes exponentially complicated for each creature included in the group and it is that in these cases even the dog, which does not bark even if you step on it, points.

For example, my children. It is to start the eldest to ask that "when we arrived" and the little one, who until now had been very entertained with the dissection at the molecular level of a piece of organic matter, let's call it a cookie, which has been found in some of the folds of the chair and that because of the pint could be there since the time From the premiere of the first episode of the flintstones, he considers it sufficient reason to conclude his investigation and join the voice of his colleague with his own, only two tones higher, asking the same.

If you decide to answer with the truth, that is to say, "it has not been half an hour that we have left. There is still enough" you can prepare to receive a "joooo" in stereo accompanied by a "bored me" that even with Dolby surround of those would sound more Sure. Then we move on to "but how much is enough?" That you are worthy majo, you have been a father for more than four years and you have not yet realized that children are like Germans and understand everything literally and a "enough" is not an exact or precise measure of anything. Of course, telling them that there are still three and a half hours left will be of little use, at least in the first years. Here we must use the SMII (International Children's Measurement System), that is, something like "there are still five chapters of the Mayan Bee."

Travel with Dora

If your children are fans of the evolution of that child that we saw as children and that at his tender age we passed the series, and our childhood, looking for his mother and with a hanging monkey (which by the way I do not remember if at finally found her). As you may have guessed, I talk about Dora the explorer and her friend the monkey that relative of the cat in boots. Well, if this is our case, we can turn our trip into another chapter of the series and tell our children about the different steps that we will have to take before reaching our destination.

Resort to the classics

Songs, I see I see, tell things, are helped and usually entertain them a lot of time. Here are a few examples of games for the trip with children.

Tablets, mobiles and portable dvd

This raises certain disadvantages, the first is that with more than one child you will need one for each one if you do not want to play "rebellion on board", if you only have one and there is an adult who travels back with him is something feasible because it can Be aware of what the child does, but if not, there you, but I do not leave my mobile if I am not close to them, that every time they take it I spend half the afternoon reconfiguring it, for Do not say how many games they bought me until I managed to block the payment system.

Zen meditation.

They say that you can reach a state where you can isolate yourself from the outside world and remain in an inner peace, but of course they also say that there are diets that leave you the body of the cover model in a month.

If you are one of those parents who have a son of those who falls knocked out as soon as you ride him in the chair and does not wake up until you reach the destination, my sister was of that species, you better not say it too loudly so as not to wake up You will go from your neighbors.

And you? Do you have any tricks to entertain children during the trip?

In Babies and More | Tips, tricks and games to travel with children these holidays, Recommendations to travel with children: adapt to your needs Photos | Thinktock

Video: How to Entertain Children While Traveling (July 2024).