Children who play sports need healthy food and not an exaggerated calorie intake

Sport is healthy, because physical exercise not only helps us stay fit and feel better, but also helps improve the energy balance that prevents overweight or obesity problems. But if sports children eat insane foods during workouts or as a reward for the effort after a competition, and they do it frequently, problems of overweight can arise.

An associate professor of Pediatrics at the Wake Forest Baptist Medican Center says it, and I suppose this will be an affirmation that will be on the palate of more pediatricians and nutritionists. And it is precisely this energy balance that I mentioned above, can be altered if more calories are consumed than are spent. Dr. Skeleton is the lead author of a study in which children aged eight to 10 have participated. In the course of it it was observed as 90 percent of the food they ate during or after sports activities, had been purchased at the bar of the sports facilities, and included fried paparas, sweets, sugary drinks or cookies.

Now is when one thinks 'why in the canteens of sports facilities is not encouraged healthy eating?'. It reminds me of this company that intended to sell pastries in the vicinity of schools


The fruit gives enough energy and provides the vitamins and minerals needed by children who play sports

Is that a banana, an apple, a ham sandwich, some bread sticks, or a toast with oilThey are healthier than packaged snacks, not to mention cream-filled buns or soda. How much does it cost to manage a food stall that is not harmful? Surely not, although today we may be forgetting the needs of children in favor of commercial interests.

Perhaps Skeleton and his collaborators would not have drawn attention to this issue, if exposure to these products were timely, but it turns out that children who play sports and participate in championships or competitions, sand meet many times a month in a place where there is an establishment where parents go to buy the snack after the effort.

One solution, of course, is to do what many of us do when we spend a day away from home for any reason. A backpack is prepared with healthy food and bottles of water, and opens when children are hungry. But of course, parents have a lot of responsibility in this, although they don't have it all, Would it be too much to ask that society in general care a little more about childhood?

Images | Public Affairs Office Fort Wainwright, Hamed Saber, Francisco Osorio Vía | Daily Mail More information | News Wise On Peques and More | What do we do with our children and the consumption of sugar ?, Children who play sports recreationally do not need sports drinks or energizers, How to care for the diet of children athletes?

Video: How do carbohydrates impact your health? - Richard J. Wood (July 2024).