Amazing video of an external cephalic version in two minutes

As La Madre Tigre explained to us a few months ago, the external cephalic version is the best option to try to prevent a baby who comes with the feet down and the head up (in podic) from being born that way, or being born by Caesarean section.

Those three words that sound so strange (external cephalic version) is nothing more than the fine way of calling "turn around the baby from outside", a technique that requires patience and expert hands, which in this amazing video We bring you today seems very easy to do, because the professional he gets it in less than two minutes.

But it is not always so easy

The VCE is usually performed after 36-37 weeks, when the baby is already such a size that it is difficult to turn again. If it is done too soon, it is easier to turn the baby, but it is more likely, as I say, that he alone goes back to podicizing. In the video they do it in week 36 + 3, and it is possible that everything went well until the end.

However, it is not always achieved. It is estimated that success happens 58% of the time, the baby arriving at birth in a cephalic position, which is correct.

But is it not dangerous?

Being a maneuver that is performed from the outside gives the feeling that it could be dangerous for the baby or for the mother. Yes it is true that there is a minimum risk of umbilical cord torsion reducing blood flow and oxygen to the fetus, early rupture of membranes and premature detachment of placenta, but performing the maneuver with ultrasound control and in a monitored environment the incidence is very low and consequently it is considered a recommended maneuver.

Recommended because thanks to it, a large number of vaginal breech births are avoided (they are born with their feet in front of them) and a large number of caesarean sections (many hospitals do not attend buttock births and perform a cesarean section directly) and the risks, as I say, are minima. In addition, in case of problems while the VCE is being carried out, an emergency caesarean section can be performed.

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In Babies and more | Turn the baby that comes from the buttocks (video), Turn the baby that comes from the buttocks, My baby is not well placed, what can I do?