Mashed beef, potatoes and carrots. Recipe for babies

Starting to think of more solid foods that have to chew little by little is always a joy for parents. An alternative to commercial pots is to prepare our own purees and homemade creams, with the advantage that we can give them a more or less thick or creamy finish and texture, depending on the age of the children. That's why we are going to prepare a mashed veal, potatoes and carrot so you can see how you can do it.

You can make this same recipe with other meats, such as roast chicken, turkey or, for example, a round of veal. With leftovers and some vegetables you can prepare these delicious homemade pots, and with the security of always knowing what they are eating.

Ingredients for 4 pots of potito

  • 2 pieces of meat left over from a stew, 1 carrot, 2 beautiful or four medium potatoes, a splash of milk

How to make veal puree, potatoes and carrots

To make this recipe we start from the leftovers of a homemade beef stew that we have. You can see how to prepare it in this recipe from Direct to the Palate. To prepare the mash we cook the potatoes and the carrot in hot water without salt.

When the potatoes are ready after cooking for 20-25 minutes, the we put in the pasapurés next to the carrot, proceeding to crush it little by little. The result will be a puree consisting of small vegetable threads.

To incorporate the meat, we take two pieces (about 50 g) of meat and the we crush thoroughly, mixing them with the potato and carrot. If we have more carrots left over from the stew, we can also add them to give them output.

Finally, to bind the puree we use some milk and some of the stew sauce. Thus, without adding salt, we add the flavor of the veal to the mash. After crushing, we pass the puree to jars, close them and cook them in a water bath for 45 minutes to leave them tightly sealed and can use them in the next three weeks.

Processing time | 30 minutes plus subsequent cooking
Difficulty | Very easy


He mashed veal, potatoes and carrots It is a great recipe to start the little ones in the house to eat "older" foods little by little. They like their mild taste and they will eat it without major difficulties. You'll see

Video: Homemade Mashed Potatoes Baby Food Recipe for 8 to 18 month old babies. Weight Gaining Baby Puree (July 2024).