"A mother does everything to protect her children," why not put alcohol away during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, we take vitamin supplements, we exercise, we go to all the checkups ... And once our babies are born, all protection is little. A mother does (or should do) everything to protect her children, so why not remove alcohol during pregnancy?

It is the question that a new campaign launched in Mexico is asked in order to raise awareness about the high risk of drinking alcohol during pregnancy, some risks that we often talk about since it is not proven that any amount of alcohol is safe during this stage.

Drinking alcoholic beverages during the gestation period increases the risks of the baby having physical, mental, intellectual disability, social maladjustment and learning and behavior disorders. But despite this, "a little glass" or "a sip" is still socially accepted.

That is why the health authorities continue to raise awareness of the risks of the population, recently we saw that even in Britain drinking alcohol while pregnant could be considered a crime and campaigns often come out, such as the impact of the European Alliance, "Too young to drink".

The video we bring you today is softer, so to speak. It shows children and hyperprotected babies, so that no harm is done (touching the ridiculous at times), and wonders: if we do all this, why don't we protect the baby before birth, stop drinking alcohol?

"A mother does everything to protect her children" is a campaign that seeks zero tolerance for alcohol consumption during pregnancy, promoted by the foundation of a beverage company and prepared by the advertising agency 'La Doble Vida'. A relaxed way of presenting a serious problem, which we hope will reach many people.

Video | Youtube
In Babies and more | The effects of drinking alcohol during pregnancy (video), Types of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders