New year, new life: quitting smoking is the best for our children

We often talk about the health risks of smoking, for pregnant women, at home with children ... Surely with the new year around the corner many will consider quitting smoking at home (and anywhere) . Whether you are pregnant or looking for a baby or have small children here we offer some compelling reasons to quit tobacco.

And if you are a woman and you expect a child, you already have it or are looking for one and also if you are a father or a future dad, quitting smoking is a good decision, not always easy, but right. The main reason is that it creates a healthier environment for oneself and for the whole family.

At home you don't have to breathe smoke or let particles get impregnated on walls, furniture, bedding ... Outside the house, that smell will stay in our clothes and in our body, outside and inside.

When you quit smoking you breathe better and have more energy, apart from the fact that you smell better: the breath, the clothes, the hair ... they will thank you. Taste and smell are also benefited, you taste again and smell more variety of sensations.

The skin also notices the effects of moving away from tobacco, it recovers in hydration and elasticity. But not only the implied or implied benefits from quitting smoking, also those around him.

Stop smoking for children

During pregnancy, tobacco makes the fetus worse oxygenated and there are multiple risks associated with maternal smoking. Try to quit tobacco completely and every day without smoking helps the baby to grow up healthy.

The pregnant woman who quits smoking reduces the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth (vaginal bleeding, placental abruption, premature delivery ...).

Carbon monoxide and other harmful substances in tobacco pass to the fetus, hampering its normal development by reducing oxygen levels. Quitting smoking increases the possibility that the baby is born with a normal weight, decreases the risk of sudden death syndrome, reduces the possibility of suffering from asthma, bronchitis, otitis, does not affect the development of his brain ...

If your children are already born, remember that you are the greatest example for them. Children of smokers are more likely to be future smokers.

In addition, they breathe tobacco smoke or are next to secondhand smoke, that is, becoming passive smokers or coming into contact with third-hand smoke.

If you are the father or future father, you should also quit smoking, in solidarity with your pregnant partner, so that she does not breathe the bad smoke and for the health of your baby or your older children.

And if all these reasons have not convinced you, mom or dad, think of another that will benefit your pocket: quitting smoking saves good money that can be spent on other things. If you are expecting a baby or you already have a family, surely there will be a lot of ideas to "invest".

A few years ago, Spain was the country where more parents smoked in front of their children. Fortunately, I think that some progress has been made in this regard, but certainly more information and support is needed so that society understands the importance of keeping the lungs clear and that people who want to leave it feel supported.

2015 is coming: new year, new life. Will there be more people who quit smoking for their children? It is difficult and some at least hide and move away from them to smoke a furtive cigarette, but maybe the time has come ...