Are we staying home today? Ten fun and simple games with children

With winter and bad weather, we may have been forced to stay at home on more than one occasion. What could be a joke or a boredom can become a lot of fun. If we stay at home today, we can practice some of these fun and simple games, they don't need too much preparation.

Thus, improvising, we can think of many ways to hang out while children learn and have fun. We can go to the spa, become chefs, make portraits of the family ... What are you staying with?

Most games are suitable for children from three and four years old. And the little ones will also enjoy spa sessions, music (if we are the singers), puppets, paintings ...

  • Small artists. We just need a sheet and paints: markers, tempera, waxes ... We can take as a model a known painting or paint some corner of the house, but what they will love is that we parents have as models and paint, or would they rather be the ones portrayed?

  • The room, a castle. Pillow war (a day is a day ...), tents with bedspreads, dungeons under the bed ... We can put imagination and turn the children's room into a medieval castle, with its knights and princesses.

  • Easy kitchens. We are not going to elaborate a menu that is too sophisticated, but lunch or dinner can be ready thanks to the help of our little chefs. They become cooks and help us prepare cookies, salads, biscuits ...

  • We're going to spa. Spa without leaving home? It is possible with a little imagination. Bath time can be hilarious if we use a little foam in the bathtub, if we give a massage to our little "customers" ... We also put a hairdresser and we can do a special hairstyle, simulate that we put on makeup or creams ...

  • People-clamp. In this game, whoever wears the most clothes wears or simply if you are two wins, you have to let yourself be "hooked" by the clothespins that they put on our clothes or hair. Be careful not to pinch the skin!

  • Simple crafts. How long have you not elaborated crafts with your children? We only need scissors, cards, colors, glue, fabrics and any material that comes to mind to recycle. Surely you can come up with good ideas to decorate the children's room or to take a job to school.

  • Recycling cardboard boxes. Of shoes, cereals or any container, the cardboard that we have at home can have a second life before moving to final recycling. With the boxes we can create helmets, cabins, shields, magic chests ... We even link with other games proposed because the cardboard can be canvas for our paintings or be part of the crafts we invent.

  • Puppets and puppets. If you don't have puppets or puppets at home, don't worry, a simple sock or painted fingers will help you. You can represent some classic story or any comic that you can think of. By the way, they love going out in acting!

  • Everyone to sing. An improvised karaoke, a disco in the lounge ... Music offers many possibilities and children enjoy giving free rein to their rhythm and singing. Here you have some musical games to practice with the children.

  • Traditional games. Obviously it is not time to play ball or rope (especially if we have neighbors below). But, why not retake the hiding place, the blind chicken, the chairs, the "English chick" ...?

We hope you enjoy these fun games at home, some of which would serve when making a small celebration, such as a birthday, although you will need a great organization to be more children. The hours will fly by ... and it can rain outside!

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