A six-day-old baby, heart transplant for heart disease

Advances in medicine leave more and more challenges and achievements that seemed impossible just a few years ago. Today we can talk about a new "miracle", the one happened to a baby of only six days of life who has been successfully intervened for a heart transplant.

This is the youngest patient to undergo a heart transplant in the United States, as announced by his parents and his medical team at the Phoenix Children's Hospital in Arizona. The heart condition with which he was born gave him little life expectancy and it adds that the birth was premature.

But, despite little hope, the baby "was born with great force" and it has been possible to intervene the dilated heart disease that was detected in the 20th week of gestation.

Heart disease is the most common congenital pathology in Spain and according to the Spanish Heart Foundation (FEC), family heart disease affects one in every 250 - 300 children born alive. Each case is different and some can be operated inside the uterus.

These diseases are closely related to the condition of arrhythmias, heart failure, and sudden death, and include cardiomyopathies (hypertrophic, dilated, restrictive, dysplasia or arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy), canalopathies (long QT syndrome, short QT syndrome, Syndrome Brugada ...) and other syndromes with vascular involvement.

In recent years, death due to hereditary heart disease has been significantly reduced, but specialists insist on the importance of diagnosing familial heart disease.

Recently, on the occasion of International Day of Congenital Heart DiseaseThe importance of increasing the support network for people with congenital heart disease and their families has also been pointed out, as the Foundation helps children with heart problems Menudos Corazones tells us.

We hope that heart transplant to the six-day-old baby who suffered from congenital heart disease Open the doors to new advances in the research and treatment of these diseases, as well as to greater knowledge and support. There is no doubt that this is hopeful news.

Video: Baby Tessa Agnoli Gets a Heart Transplant (July 2024).