The best way to differentiate twins (or triplets) ?: with cool clothes!

I've always wondered if the maternal insince (and paternal, of course), gives for distinguish each of the children when they are twins or twins very similar. Of course, when they are triplets the thing gets complicated and more if they are identical. I don't know if I would make it, so I would surely have to resort to a solution like the one I found in these photos.... practice and to die of love!

Parents usually choose to wear clothes of different colors to differentiate their children, but these parents have preferred to make the 'problem' a reason to be original... idea that I sincerely love it.

For triplets I have not found a store where you can buy these garments (probably your parents send them stamped in specialized sites), but for twins yes I know two that I like very much: Kiki & Bree and Trends in Twos, which although they are not Spanish, are very worthwhile because they have beautiful clothes (they also ship worldwide).

Video: Identical Twins Switch Places. Will Baileys Boyfriend Notice? (July 2024).