Hopeful collection of photos of children and adults who were born prematurely

When a couple knows they are pregnant, they immediately start calculating to know when the baby will be born. Nine months? How do you tell that? Isn't it better for weeks? Forty? And so they arrive on the day of the probable date of delivery, which tells them when the baby will come if everything goes as expected.

The problem is that not everything always goes as expected and sometimes the baby arrives early. Before time, with all that it means: not being able to take it home, having to give it to your doctors very much so that they are the ones who take care of your health, see you in an incubator, or on your chest, full of tubes and cables that control him and help him to live, and suffer the anxiety of seeing his fragility, the delicate thing of being so small, but at the same time the force with which they struggle to get ahead.

This is what Méthot Network, a photographer from Quebec, wanted to show in a hopeful collection of photos: children and people born prematurely, who lived their beginnings together with machines and probes and now smile happily with their baby photos.

Noah and Nathan, born at 32 weeks Charles, born at 26 weeks Andréanne, born at 32 weeks and pregnant Thomas, born at 29 weeks Julie, born at 7 months, and her son Kevin, born at 34 weeks Juliette, born at 30 weeks Olivier, born at 31 weeks, his sister Ariane, at 33 weeks, and his brother Noah, at 34 weeks Léonard, born at 35 weeks Thomas, born at 23 weeks Émile, born at 26 weeks Samuel, born at 36 weeks Lexiani, born at 25 weeks Samuel, born at 36 weeks, and his sister Alice, born at 27 weeks Noah, born at 32 weeks. His twin Victoria, on the left, who died a month later Zachary, born at 27 weeks Felix, born at 24 weeks, and Margot, born at 29 weeks