Making noise: why do our babies love sound toys?

Comes the Christmas and many of us walk from store to store looking for the best gift for the babies around us. It is not about bulging under the tree or in the shoes, or that the wrapper is bright and flashy, but to find a toy that enchants the child and also help you in your development and prepare your ear for different words and accents to those who usually listen at home.

Even if you get your hair on end just thinking about it, the sound toys they are one of the best options for your baby's development and also a gift that they will love. You want to know why?

Sound toys, learning to listen

They press the key again and again, why do they like sound toys so much? According to studies by Dr. Elizabeth Fodor, your baby's brain, pay attention to everything around her and has to learn to filter it. That is, adults have learned to "select" what we hear, while the baby has not yet developed that ability, so each sound is recorded in his mind.

The repetitive sounds They give them security, so when they start pressing a key and hear the same thing again, they have fun and laugh happily, they have recognized the sound. It is a way to mature, besides the loudness of other languages It stays in your memory and can help you have more ease in learning them.

The loudest sounds they like best

The babies they listen to the world without separating the sounds, just concentrate your attention to the sound that has more volume. That is, to get your attention we have to speak louder about the level of sound that exists in your environment. Surely you have observed that for your baby, if he is more than nine months old, hitting a pan lid with an aluminum spoon is one of the more extreme amusements. Wink your eyes, squeeze your mouth and even shrug your shoulders at every stroke of a spoon. Not only use the ear, but the whole body. And he feels totally happy every time he hears that high pitched sound.

Babies pay more attention to high frequency sounds, hence many people tend to make intonations above their normal voice. It's the way it gets catch their atention. If you whistle a baby, he will immediately look at you and bring his little hand to your lips, coming to recognize the song after a few notes.

Promoting development towards verbal communication

At the time of acquire a sound toy For a baby, the first thing to think about is his age. It is essential that, among all the sound toys they offer us, we make a selection. If our baby is small we should buy soft and relaxing sounds toys, rattles, musical lamps or musical pendants are the appropriate toys.

But if he’s older, the sounds must be different. Your baby's interest in the environment grows as it develops, at this stage he gets excited about what he hears, a clear example is the Animal sounds. Chicco's bilingual sound farm is perfect for this stage. The little bear teacher teaches children the world of animals. Children learn through various game modes: numbers, animal names, animal sounds, colors, riddles and melodies, in three difficulty levels.

It also has the advantage of being bilingual and expose your baby to other linguistic codes, in order to familiarize yourself with sounds, rhythms and intonation. At this time of development, your baby begins to mature enough to recognize them and differentiate them even before understanding the meaning of words and phrases: in fact, the mechanism of acquiring a second language is similar to that of the mother tongue.

According to Unesco, the child needs to interact with sound and musical toys. Gradually he begins to repeat words, sounds and his first expressions, the support of adults in these games being essential so that the child can access verbal communication.

Do you sign up to enjoy with your little one of the sound toys?

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