Papaburger or potato tortilla burger recipe

Taking advantage of what children like to eat hamburgers, we have prepared an original Papaburger or potato tortilla burger, and when mounted on hamburger bread with salad and sauces, children have enjoyed it immensely.

You can make the recipe with a simple potato omelette, or with zucchini omelette, potato and vegetable tortilla or with any other tortilla recipe, knowing that by presenting it in this format, they will eat it very well.

Ingredients for 2 people

  • 4 potatoes, 5 eggs, olive oil, salt, hamburger bread, oak leaf lettuce, tomato raff, mayonnaise and ketchup

How to make papaburger or potato tortilla burgers

To make the tortilla, Peel and cut the potatoes into thin slices, leaving them in water for a few minutes to release in starch. We put oil to heat and fry the potatoes seasoned lightly over medium heat, until they begin to brown. We drain and reserve.

Beat the eggs and add a pinch of salt. We incorporate the potatoes and mix them well, helping us with a fork with which we crush the potatoes while mixing them with the egg.

In a very small pan about 10 cm in diameter We curdle half of the mixture forming a Spanish omelette or Spanish omelette, making it to the desired point for each one. Keep in mind that as we will take it with lettuce and tomato leaves, it will be very juicy even if we set it well.

We repeat the operation with the other tortilla. We ride the papaburgers by putting them on toasted hamburger bun, and adding above the leaves of oak lettuce and tomato slices, seasoning with ketchup and mayonnaise to taste.

Processing time | 30 minutes
Difficulty | Very easy


The Papaburger recipe or potato tortilla burger It is eaten with the hands like any other hamburger. In addition, it is also very good as cold, it is ideal to eat at school, or at work, or to leave it done to find it ready for dinner.