The happiness of a three year old girl watching the Star Wars trailer

More than one I know will have reacted with the same enthusiasm, only there would be no cameras capturing that moment, but The happiness of this 3-year-old girl watching the trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens is priceless.

The fanaticism of many parents who love the most famous saga in celluloid history has made the 'starwarsmania' reach new generations, children of a few years or even newborns like Max, the daughter of Mark Zuckerberg disguised as a Jedi.

"Stormtroopers! Lightsabers!" Scream in excitement to see them on the screen. The children may inherit their parents' hobbies, and surely Star Wars will have known through them, but without a doubt the reaction of this girl is authentic, without preconceptions or trying to please anyone. You can tell he really likes it. His face is pure joy and happiness to know that the seventh installment of the saga is here.

Video: 3 years-old girl watching star wars for first time (May 2024).