Breastfeeding in the face of injustice: thousands of Argentine women join a "tetada" for the right to breastfeed in public

Thousands of mothers, grandmothers and even women without children have gone out this weekend to express their support and solidarity with the mother who was reprimanded by the Argentine police for breastfeeding her son in a square.

With this vindictive act, they have managed to make clear their rejection of an unjust norm and their solidarity with Constance, the mother reprimanded by the police, with a “tetada” convened in 32 different places in the country and which the press has echoed international.

Argentine women have taken off this weekend against injustice and claiming the right to breastfeed their children in public places.

Constance is 22 years old and a nine-month-old baby. He left to do some work on the bank when the baby began to cry, given the time she was clear that her son was hungry.

He sat in the square, in the town of San Isidro, in Buenos Aires and when he saw that he was starting to breastfeed his son, several police officers stared at her. At the time two of those Local Police officers told her that it was prohibited, she asked what law that prohibition was included in and the two agents picked her up by the arm and threatened to take her to the police station.

Constanza wanted to file a complaint with this police action but it was impossible because in no department did they pay the least attention. The echo to this injustice, however, found it on social networks.

Action Reaction

No, Constanza could not breastfeed her son but thousands of women have reacted to this unfair episode and have gone out to breastfeed their own this weekend despite the temperature.

Thousands of women wanted to show solidarity with Constance and a cause and a practice, breastfeeding, which affects the health of millions of babies worldwide.

Thousands of women concentrated this past weekend in 32 places throughout the country from the Plaza del Obelisco to the monument to the Flag in Rosario and the Plaza de San Isidro, where all this began.

The call for social networks did not stop growing until summoning them with the hashtags #Piquetetazo and #TeteadaMasiva while at the same time and given the tremendous impact that the case was taking, the two police officers who badly rebuked Constance , an administrative summary has also been opened.

Popular power

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- TelevisionRegistrada (@TVRok) July 23, 2016

And then yes, now yes. Now the authorities have reacted and institutional responses have begun to arrive, such as the Breastfeeding and Maternity Foundation that after this action thousands of women on the streets, issued a statement clarifying the no existing legislation “Neither national, provincial or municipal that prohibits breastfeeding on public roads” In fact, the foundation continues by saying that “in recent years, the laws are intended to promote, protect and support breastfeeding” something that seems to be not very clear to the police officers who rebuked and threw Constance out of the square.

No, it is not the first time that hundreds of mothers come together to demonstrate the unfairness and the absurdity of prejudices or regulations, sometimes non-existent as in this case, for which breastfeeding is not allowed in public.

In fact, recently, solidarity was shown among Spanish mothers when the story of a mother was known to whom a clothing chain expelled from one of her establishments when she breastfed her son.

Yes, you can see huge photos of spectacular models in tiny underwear, but what is the problem of seeing how a baby feeds on her mother's milk?

Some of us still do not understand it and the thousands of women who were summoned to breastfeed their children in these stores, do not understand it either.

Video: USA: Feed the hungry, clothe the naked - Thousands rally in DC to fight poverty (July 2024).