Reading to your baby from birth is very beneficial (although I still can't understand you)

Promoting reading in our children since they are young is positive for their development, and experts recommend doing so as soon as possible, even since the baby is days or weeks old. Although you still can't understand what we tell you, the effects of doing so early are very beneficial, even in the long term..

Reading to your baby is an experience that you will enjoy both, and over time it can become a bridge of union with your child, a moment of daily emotional connection also emotionally. Just 10 minutes a day can make a big difference in their development.

A study recently presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies meeting shows that early reading has a lasting effect even four years later. It promotes language acquisition, improves vocabulary and early reading skills, according to Carolyn Cates, PhD, lead author and assistant research professor in the department of pediatrics at the University of New York (NYU), School of Medicine.

The researchers followed 250 babies from the age of six months until they turned 54 months (4.5 years) to see if reading improved their language skills later. And indeed it does.

In fact, Improves reading comprehension, helps children start reading on their own, among other advantages.

In addition to the number of books that had been read to children, the study took into account other important parameters such as reading quality. When parents had conversations with their children about the book during reading (in children who already started talking), they had pointed out images or talked about the emotions of the characters in the book, the experience was even more enriching.

Even before the child begins to pronounce his first words, starting them in the world of reading since they are young contributes to the Acquisition of new words and stimulates your imagination. In addition, it encourages their love for reading by helping them become great readers in the future.