A premature baby born at week 25 and weighing 700 grams is released without sequelae

From Malaga we get wonderful and really hopeful news for all premature babies struggling every day to get ahead.

It's the story of little Sara, a baby who despite being born in the 25th week of gestation and weighing just 700 grams, He has been discharged a few days ago, without any sequelae.

Childbirth was advanced 15 weeks

In the 24th week of pregnancy, Sara's mother began to have problems and given the imminent risk of premature delivery she was transferred to the Hospital El Ángel de Málaga, which has a third level neonatal ICU.

The little girl couldn't stand much longer and came to the world in the 25th week of gestation and with 700 grams of weight; 15 weeks before the estimated date of delivery.

Sara was given medication to accelerate the development of her lungs and for three weeks she was connected to a machine to breathe and later in an incubator where her brain, eye and heart development continued.

Three months she has remained hospitalized until a few days ago she was discharged with more than two kilos of weight and a very favorable prognosis, since it does not suffer any type of sequel.

In all this time, little Sara has been fed exclusively with breast milk, a factor that doctors have considered decisive in her excellent evolution.

Little big fighters

Every year 15 million premature babies are born in the world, and the numbers of those who are they succeed thanks to medicine, which advances dramatically in this field of neonatology.

Babies born before term are classified into two large groups: premature extremes or large premature babies (born before the 28th week of gestation), and the premature ones, born from the 29th week.

Doctors place the limit of viability in the 23 weeks gestation and 400 grams of weight, although from here we have shared stories of little "miracle" babies that have come forward before this gestational age and against any medical prognosis.

And luckily, there is more and more news that comes from small fighters that still coming to the world ahead of time, is they cling to life with strength and determination, giving us all a great lesson of hope.

  • Via Diario Sur, La Vanguardia

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