The tender and adorable photo of mother and son during the first day of classes of both

A child's first day of school is a very important moment in the life of the family. Be the first or last school year, for our little ones it is the beginning of a new adventure, for us as parents it is to continue supporting them so that they can form their own path.

I personally love the photos of the first day of school, in which we see those little children full of illusion ready to go to school. But the picture I will share has loved me even more, because Not only does the son start another year of school, but mom continues his education and they have decided to share it in a tender photo.

Katie Tucker and her son Edric they were lucky that their first day of school coincided this year, when she started one more degree in dental school and he her last grade of preschool education. The photograph in which they both appear holding a blackboard is similar to those we see each year when children start a new school year.

It's the first day of school

In an interview for Parents, Katie said they had never taken a Pinterest-style photo and they wanted to commemorate this day when they started their classes at the same time, since it was very important for the family.

In addition to sharing this beautiful moment for mother and son, they remind us that the becoming mothers and fathers is not fought to continue our education and academic training. Undoubtedly a nice example that it is possible to find a balance between family life and following our dreams.