The photograph that has gone viral by capturing a moment of postpartum that is not talked about

When we imagine a birth, the most important moments or the ones we usually see in the photographs probably come to mind: during labor, the moment when the mother looks at or receives her baby for the first time and the photograph when They are resting together.

But there are also other moments, perhaps not as flashy, but equally significant and important. One of those moments, is when after childbirth, nurses become our guardian angels. That is why a photograph has been made viral in which we see a mother who has just had her baby being accompanied by the nurse in the bathroom.

A postpartum moment that is not talked about

After the birth of a baby, things in the room tend to calm down and the atmosphere becomes more intimate and silent. It is a time when the mother begins to know her new body after having the baby and a series of things happen that remind us that things are no longer as before.

With the help of the nurses, we are slowly recovering from our delivery or caesarean section, facing next to them, moments that alone would probably seem more difficult or impossible to achieve.

One of them is the first time we go to the bathroom after having our babies. We are tired, vulnerable and now we are in a body that we difficult to recognize. It is in this, one of many other moments, when we see the valuable and important work of nurses. And it is precisely the moment that was captured in the image that we share today.

The photograph I am talking about is one taken by the photographer Katie Lacer of MommaKTShoots and the reason why she has gone viral, in addition to capture that intimate moment in a mother's life, it is because it was shared by a blogger mom named Jill Krause, accompanied by a message with which many mothers have felt identified.

I will never forget the faces of the nurses who accompanied me to the bathroom after giving birth to each baby. That moment when I felt so vulnerable, so tired, scared and shaky. My swollen belly deflating, and my modesty has long since disappeared. They treated me with such kindness and dignity. For me, those have been times of empowerment and confirmation that I have a true tribe to help me, even if it's just that little moment in the bathroom, in the toilet, while a kind nurse teaches me how to put an ice pack on my panties. Network This picture of my friend MommaKTShoots simply takes me to those moments. I can almost smell the benzocaine. A round of applause for the nurses and doulas and everyone who teaches us how to make our underwear in an ice pack (or help us with that first shower after a C-section!)

Jill's message accompanied by the image of Katie, has resonated strongly with many moms, who undoubtedly they feel identified by the support they received from their nurses after having their babies.

This is a moment that is not talked about much, but definitely It is one of the most intimate, vulnerable and at the same time shocking that mothers live after giving birth.

Video: Postpartum Photograph goes viral (July 2024).