Is there or does not exist ADHD? The expert's opinion

Last week we delved into the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) from two totally antagonistic visions: that of the psychologist Marino Pérez, who affirms that not only does ADHD not exist but that medicating it could have negative consequences for children, and that of psychiatrist José Ángel Alda, a strong defender of ADHD and his Early diagnosis to avoid future problems.

In today's post we want to collect the opinions of both professionals in order to confront them and facilitate the reading and study of this topic that generates so much controversy: For or against ADHD?

What is ADHD?

According to the Spanish Federation of Associations for Assistance to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), it is a psychiatric and chronic condition that suffers between 2% and 5% of the child population.

For José Ángel Alda, section head of child and youth psychiatry at the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital in Barcelona and coordinator of the ADHD Unit, "we are facing one pathology described over 100 years ago and of which more than 2,000 articles are published annually in scientific journals."

On the other hand, Marino Pérez, a specialist in Clinical Psychology, professor at the University of Oviedo and co-author of the book "Returning to normalcy", "ADHD is a diagnosis that lacks clinical entity, without genetic, neurobiological or psychological bases that justify it ".

What symptoms does ADHD have?

Dr. Alda highlights, among the main symptoms of this disorder:

  • Low school performance in relation to their abilities

  • Children who get lost easily

  • Children who forget things frequently

  • Impulsive character, that is, do not think things before doing them ^

  • Very busy children in class, at home or in any other situation

Instead, for Professor Marino Pérez these behaviors should not be considered "symptoms" since they are part of a "normal context of child development".

"It is said that the child diagnosed with ADHD is often distracted, although he is very attentive to other things, that he often moves a lot, something typical of all children, which he often does not expect, because to wait he learns, as well as You learn to attend and be still when the situation requires it "- he explains.

How is ADHD diagnosed?

As we have seen previously, for Marino Pérez the diagnosis of ADHD has no clinical entity and "The fact that it is diagnosed a lot does not mean that it is a clinical entity."

"There is a lot of populism on the part of many psychiatrists when they justify the diagnosis by reassuring and pleasing the parents, as saying that they are not negligent, nor are children lazy or lazy" - he says.

"The diagnosis is usually based on reports from parents (and teachers) who report that the child" often "is distracted, moves a lot, does not wait for a turn, does not attend ..." - summarizes.

Diagnosing a child with ADHD would be, for this psychologist, a way to tag the childthat will end "internalizing this condition that you are assigned and behaving tdahmente", and a way of "benefit a whole business of the pharmaceutical industry and of professionals in turn benefit from it "

Dr. José Ángel Alda explains that there are no diagnostic or prognostic markers of ADHD, so the diagnosis of this disorder would be based exclusively on the clinical judgment of professionals, which would be based on interviews with parents, school and patient.

The doctor states that sometimes it can be complex to diagnose ADHD why "the symptoms of lack of attention and hyperactivity may be present in other developmental disorders, or present with other pathologies ". Hence, upon suspicion of this disorder, Alda recommends parents visit a "Professional with extensive experience in these types of problems".

How is a child treated with ADHD?

For Dr. Alda, the early diagnosis of ADHD would imply a better evolution in a high percentage of cases. The treatment would go through "A psychopedagogical, psychological approach, and in moderate and severe cases pharmacological treatment is added".

Professor Marino Pérez states that the diagnosis of ADHD leads the child to "internalize your disease and behave as such", so that he is led to believe that "If he misbehaves it is because of ADHD and if he behaves well it is because of medication"

For Marino, medicating a child because they think they have ADHD is a big mistake which can cause negative reactions both in the medium and long term, causing a "worse performance, emotional problems, cardiovascular problems and stunted growth".

What solution is there for ADHD?

The psychologist Marino Pérez is clear that what children who are diagnosed with ADHD need is "a greater tolerance with their way of being, teach them to wait and the creation of contexts that foster their self-control" Y, in no case medicate them: "The worst thing that can be done with a child's brain is to medicate it."

For the psychiatrist José Ángel Alda, early diagnosis is key to a positive evolution, although he confesses that in 50% -60% of cases, the symptoms persist in adolescence and adulthood, although differently.

Not diagnosing a child would imply, according to Alda, school problems as the early abandonment of studies and an educational level lower than their intellectual abilities, and Social problems as a greater propensity to suffer accidents, to consume drugs early or to have unwanted pregnancies.

There have been many occasions when, from Babies and More, we have addressed the issue of ADHD, giving voice to both professionals and parents of affected children. Likewise, we have echoed studies, opinions of experts and articles that we have considered of interest to continue investigating more in this disorder that, the World Health Organization, identifies as a little known disorder with important repercussions economic in child health care.

If you want to know more about ADHD, these are the main posts you will find on the web.

  • "Neuroimaging tests show differences in brain function": Dr. Alda defends the existence of ADHD

  • "Now what worries and is not tolerated is the restless and outgoing child": the psychologist Marino Pérez dismantles ADHD

  • A mother whose daughter suffers from ADHD reminds us why we shouldn't judge other moms

  • They show that ADHD is not a behavioral disorder, but an insufficient maturation of the brain

  • Is ADHD overdiagnosed?

  • "Our children have a devastating emotional state": the text that goes viral and is right

  • School and ADHD, Other visions and alternatives to ADHD treatment

  • Why in France there are hardly any children with ADHD

  • The psychiatrist who "discovered" ADHD confessed before dying that "it is a fictitious disease"

  • "Many children only show ADHD at school." Interview with the psychologist Cristina Silvente

  • "If the Educational System changed there would be fewer diagnoses of ADHD." Interview with psychologist Liliana Castro

  • "Psychiatrists argue that they are the only ones who can diagnose ADHD." Interview with psychologist Antonio Ortuño

  • Overdiagnosis of ADHD can put children's health at risk

  • Manifestations of ADHD in young children

  • Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder a disease?

  • "Early intervention is essential to alleviate possible cognitive deficits or even correct them." Interview with Marina Barber, psychologist

  • Does my child have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

  • Signs of hyperactivity in the child