Rollover cushions or crib positioners are dangerous for babies because of the risk of suffocation

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reminds parents about the danger of babies using anti-roll cushions (or pillows) or crib positioners. These products, which are used so that the baby does not change position while sleeping, they can cause asphyxiation and cause death.

The roll cushions or positioners are designed for babies under six months and have a cylinder on each side (or one of them) to keep the baby on its side or back, or a wedge to lift the baby's head. Alert about the risk of the baby moving while sleeping and get caught between the cushionssuffocating him.

Risk of death from asphyxiation

The notice is not new (the FDA issued a statement warning about it in 2010) but because they have registered cases of death due to asphyxiation related to positionersIt is always a good idea to remember the safety recommendations for a safe infant sleep.

The federal government reports that in most of these cases, babies they suffocated by turning on their side and face down. He has also received reports about babies that were placed on their backs or on their side in positioners, but were later found in other dangerous positions inside or alongside these products.

For its part, the American Academy of Pediatrics also warns about the use of this type of anti-tipper accessories among its recommendations to prevent sudden death of the baby. The cushions are soft, can be moved and can end up on the baby's head.

As for the positioners sold under the claim to protect the baby against sudden death, the FDA wants to make it clear that:

  • FDA You have never authorized a child positioner who claims to prevent or reduce the risk of SIDS. Likewise, there is also no solid scientific evidence to support medical claims about sleep positioners.

  • The FDA had previously approved some of these products to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease or plagiocephaly. However, because the agency knew in 2010 that these products present a choking hazard, the FDA then required that FDA approved sleep positioner manufacturers present data that demonstrates that the benefits of the products outweigh the risks. In 2010, the FDA asked manufacturers to stop marketing these products.

Recommendations for a safe sleep

The FDA remembers four tips (two "never" and two "always") that we should keep in mind when putting babies to bed.

  • Do not use never positioners for sleeping. Using these types of products for a baby to lie on his back or side is dangerous.

  • Do not put Never pillows, blankets, loose sheets, comforters or bedspreads under a baby or in the cribto. These products can be dangerous. Babies do not need pillows, and wearing appropriate clothes, instead of blankets, can keep them warm.

  • keep up always cribs and sleeping areas clear. That means you should also never put soft objects or toys in sleeping areas.

  • Place always the baby face up at night and during nap. An easy way to remember this is by following the ABC of safe sleep: "Alone, Face up and in an empty Cradle"

Video: FDA and CPSC: Don't Use Infant Sleep Positioners (May 2024).