The emotional image of a premature baby and his doctor, who transmits in a simple gesture the complicity and fight for life

All the parents of premature babies that I know, and who must spend time in hospital, agree that the relationship established between them and the healthcare staff who care for their children it ends up being magical and special. Medical professionals also feel that union, and live with immense joy every step forward that the baby takes in his recovery.

This photograph, published in the Reddit social network has captivated us all because it precisely conveys this gesture union, struggle, delivery, dedication and strength that we talked about, both by the baby and the people who care for him.

Union make force

A baby with a clenched fist pulls his little arm out of the incubator, and the attending doctor puts his fist next to the little one, as if it were a friendly shock that came to say something like: "Go ahead, baby. Keep it that strong that I will accompany you."

A simple gesture immortalized in a photograph that conveys strength, union and complicity. The strength of one to live, and of another to move forward. Walking together

Few photographs have been as emotional as this, shared by a user on the Reddit social network and that has shocked thousands of followers, quickly becoming viral.


A very special relationship

Nuria, a nurse at an ICU of Neonatology at a hospital in Madrid has been working with premature babies for 12 years, feeling them as part of your family and establishing with his parents a precious relationship of affection and mutual respect.

"The great premature ones, who spend a lot of time with us become part of your heart. You suffer and have a hard time with every step back they take, and sometimes we even have to hide if we are sad or need to cry because we don't want relatives they see us badly. Before them we always show our best face and all our positivity "- confesses Nuria.

That positivism and joy It is precisely what Vicky highlights of the staff that attended to her baby, born prematurely in a hospital in Seville:

"The doctors always talked to us with a reassuring smile on our lips, explaining in detail how our son was and comforting us when we decayed. The nurses, who were the ones who spent the most time with our baby, always had a word of love for him and for us, and that calmed us a lot "- he recalls.

And it is that the emotional involvement by health professionals is always there, and when it is time to end the day and return home it is impossible not to think about the little fighters who stay, one more night, in the hospital:

"The relationship that is established in some cases is very close. I especially remember a baby who spent three months with us and at that time he had countless ups and downs and suffered significant relapses for which we all suffered greatly; both his family and the doctors and nurses we treated him. "

"When he was finally discharged, the union so large that we had forged had reached such a point that the parents ended up inviting us to the baptism of their baby, and the priest publicly thanked during the ceremony the work that we had done all the health professionals that we had attended. It was really emotional, "Nuria remembers.

For their part, parents agree that the relationship they establish with those who dedicate their efforts and knowledge in saving the lives of their children is simply unique, and They admire the unconditional delivery they work with every day.

"The treatment we received when my daughter was admitted to neonatology was close, empathetic and cautious. I would definitely rate it as outstanding." - Verónica comments regarding the staff who attended them at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, in Santander.

"You get to feel that they are part of your family. You feel close to them and their professionalism is immense" - recalls Ana, who had her baby admitted for almost a month at the Miguel Servet Hospital in Zaragoza.

"See the joy on the face of the doctors and nurses who treated our baby for two months when he was discharged, It is an image that I will never forget. They were pure and authentic smiles, from someone who was really happy for us "- says Lorena, mother of a premature baby who was admitted to the Hospital de Montepríncipe, Madrid.

This is how Cris remembered when his son Andrés was discharged from Neonatology, after a month of hospital admission:

"On the day of discharge, our neonatologist was crying when he said goodbye to us. I remember that he took my son in his arms and said: Andrés, how brave and how big you are. Now go to a little house with mom and be happy all your life. we will always remember you "

And it is that for the doctors and nurses / nurses who have taken care of babies for a while, this moment is really emotional and, as Nuria explains, they live it with mixed feelings.

"On the one hand we feel a deep joy to know that they finally go home and start a new life with their family. But on the other hand you feel very sad to say goodbye of people whom after so long you really feel like a part of your family "- confesses the nurse, Nuria.

Many are the families that they never forget the doctors and nurses who attended to their children, no matter how much time passes:

"Almost all families write letters of thanks on discharge day, and During the first year of the baby's life we ​​usually receive photographs and news about their evolution. We also have cases of children who keep coming to see us for each birthday, and have already turned ten years old. It's really emotional, and one of the most beautiful things in our profession "- Nuria tells us.

When your baby is born prematurely, nothing is as you expected. Is a hard, distressing experience and for which nobody prepares you. Therefore, it is essential physical and emotional support by the medical team, and know that from the first moment, both your baby and you will be in the best hands.

Thanks to all the professionals who fight hard every day to bring comfort to families and care and attention to these little great fighters.
  • Via Vigo Lighthouse

  • In Babies and More Premature, Premature Babies