"I want you to know that I have not abandoned you": the bleak letter from a mother to her six-year-old son after being separated at the US border

It is terrible what children who are forcibly separated from their parents are living on the United States border. The images and audios that have come to light are heartbreaking and reflect the anguish of the children, who do not know what will become of them or have any news of their parents, of those who were taken.

Some parents wrote letters to reassure their children, letters like this one that Twitter lawyer Michael Avenatti has written on his client, a mother named Levis, to his six-year-old son Samir, after being forcibly separated two weeks ago.

Here is a letter my client Levis just wrote to her 6 yr old son Samir, who she has not seen or comm with in over 2 weeks. They told her he was being taken for a “bath” & would be brought right back. He is a gentle boy and very attached to his mother. She is terrified. #Basta pic.twitter.com/EnyDCaloft

- Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) June 19, 2018

Separated without knowing anything from their parents

Samir, like two thousand other children, remains in one of the stores, tents or department stores converted into border patrol internment centers between Mexico and the United States. Some of them are locked in cages, knowing nothing about their parents and caring for people who are not allowed to touch them or hug them for comfort.

The lawyer comments in the tweet that when they were separated they told the mother that they were taking the child for a bath and that they would bring him back. But he didn't see him again.

The child is very kind and very attached to his mother because what will be suffering horrors, like the other children, by the separation of his parents. A trauma that will not be easy to overcome.

"I want you to know that I haven't abandoned you. Mom is here and I think about you a lot, when I wake up the first thing I do is think in your eyes, and feel, like this, your hugs, that you give me in the morning and feel kisses my son, "writes the mother to the child.

And he continues: "This is temporary, you will see that soon you will be giving me many kisses." He promises that when they leave he will take him to the aquarium as he had promised.

The letter is decorated with drawings and hearts and a "busito" that apparently the mother always draws to her son. The way he has found so that his son feels a little comforted knowing of his mother, at least through a letter.

The complete letter