Baby-simulator arrives in Germany

A few months ago, in my country there was a great commotion following an investigation by a television chronicler: in the United States there are women who "raise" plastic children. Well, now this invention lands in Germany, where it has just been implemented in the service of a strange pedagogical project aimed at preventing teenage pregnancies.

He Baby simulator, such the name of this doll-robot, accompanies the parents and pedagogues in this crusade that takes place in institutions under the motto "Period of reflection on babies" (sic).

The doll cannot be purchased at toy stores; It is a computer-controlled robot and programmed to have all the needs of a newborn: it cries, eats, wakes up at night and cannot be left alone. Teen-moms, captive by a bracelet that contains a chip, cannot get away from their simulators for the duration of the experience. The "game" lasts a week and aims, according to its defenders, to teach young girls that being a mother is not as easy as it seems.

In addition to trying to remove teenagers' desire to have children ahead of time, what other rationale would justify such an extravagant practice?