Baby's strength

Nature really is wise, thanks to a series of resources, the future baby spends nine months Protected within a fortress. The organ of gestation par excellence is the uterus, this involves the life that grows inside. The uterus is a hollow muscle that is shaped like an inverted pear and is located in the lower abdomen, between the bladder and the rectum, under the ovaries.

Its function is to guarantee the development of the fetus. This muscle is very elastic, so you have an idea, a normal uterus, measures 7 to 8 cm. long, 5 cm. wide and 3 or 4 cm. in the back direction. Well, at the end of pregnancy, the uterus reaches half a meter long and 25 cm. Wide. Another important part of the fortress is the mucous plug, which keeps the cavity in condition until there is fertilization. The uterus is similar to an inverted bottle, the cap of the bottle would be the mucous plug. The mucous plug is impenetrable, except in ovulation, but once pregnancy begins, the plug becomes thicker, forming a concentrate of antibacterial substances that function as an impassable barrier, in this way, viruses and bacteria cannot endanger the development of the future baby.

When the delivery is nearing its end, this plug is usually expelled and does not cause any discomfort, the only thing that is perceived is a dense and whitish loss that can be veined with blood.

One more barrier to guarantee the safety of the future baby and its correct development is the placenta. This is a multifunctional organ, provides oxygen, nutrients and antibodies to the baby.

The amniotic bag is an airbag for the baby, as its mission is to isolate it inside the uterus and in turn house the amniotic fluid, which will serve as a pantry and thermostat for the baby. It also guarantees enough space for you to change your posture and cushion a hug, a rubber band that is not very elastic, even at the time of contractions, this bag and the amniotic fluid allow you not to suffer as if it were an earthquake .

Another protection that the baby has when he is in the womb, is the jelly called Wharton, which protects the blood vessels that pass through the umbilical cord from possible blows and is so resistant that it can withstand tractions of 5 and 6 kilos of weight, so It ensures that the baby's somersault does not involve danger, and gives the umbilical cord great flexibility.

We can be calm, our baby has a strength and a home inside.