To learn another language

From the age of four, your child can already to learn another language, since at this early age, language is acquired much more easily and phonetic perfection is greater. Managing a second language in an agile and fluent way is very important in this era that we live in, that of information and new technologies.

Thinking about the future of our children, learning a new language gives them in the future more possibilities to work or study inside or outside the country in which we live.

Nowadays the study of a language at an early age is already possible in a public center, but it is also very important that parents collaborate from home in order to facilitate our son a better and greater learning of the language that we have selected. If we ask for songs and rhymes that our son is working in his class and we practice them with him, it will be very helpful while he will learn playing with us. Reading stories or renting children's films in the language you learn makes it easy to get used to pronunciation. If we have any notion about the language you study, it will be fun to share games and songs with our child.

Remember that you should not press or harass your child to speak to us in another language and show us what he knows. If your child has any speech therapy difficulties such as joint immaturity, language delay, dyslalia ... it is not recommended to start in another language.

Starting your child in another language early, not at all hurts the mother tongue, on the contrary, it benefits. In a multilingual and multicultural country, it is very good for your child to get used to more than one language and the more, make use of them.

Video: How to learn any language in six months. Chris Lonsdale. TEDxLingnanUniversity (May 2024).