A pregnancy without medicines

During pregnancy we can suffer health problems, such as a backache, a cold, itching that does not let us sleep, etc. The problem is what to do to relieve the symptoms.

There are many home remedies that can relieve those discomforts in pregnancy without taking drugsFor example, a nasal congestion is a common disorder in pregnancy, but very annoying. One way to appease this symptom before the mucus becomes thick, is to wash the nostrils with serum, which can be found in pharmacies or prepared at home.

To do this you just mix a liter of water with a teaspoon of salt. The application is simple, with a dropper you introduce a few drops in one of the holes, and then in the other. You will notice the relief right away. It is also very helpful to increase the consumption of liquids, because the mucus is diluted and it is easier to expel it. The humidity level of the environment in which we find ourselves is also of vital importance, the appropriate one can be achieved with a humidifier or with a kettle of boiling water, but you should not put in the water any type of camphor substance, such as eucalyptus.

The spine changes position during pregnancy and it is for this reason that we may suffer back discomfort. Applying dry heat for 15 minutes a day will relieve discomfort. The heat can be provided by a hot water bag wrapped in a towel, or hot cloths. It is very important to keep your back straight, there are special girdles for this purpose that adapt to the size of the gut.

A nervous cough can be calmed by gargling with a warm infusion of water, lemon and honey. The proportions are, a glass of water, the juice of a lemon and a spoonful of honey, but if you suffer from diabetes, it is not the right remedy. One measure that really improves a cough is to drink a lot of liquid, because that way the mucous membranes are kept hydrated and as in the case of nasal congestion, it is also important to avoid a dry environment.

Whenever a fever is detected, it is advisable to go to the doctor, but if you can not go immediately and the fever reaches 38º, it is best to take a water bath to a degree lower than the body temperature, that is, in this case I should take a bath at a temperature of 37º. This is very important, because a constant fever of 38º during pregnancy can involve risks for our baby.

There are countless home remedies that improve our well-being and help us not have to resort to medications, we know a few more that we will explain, but surely you also know some, do you share it with us?

Video: Drugs and Pregnancy (July 2024).