How to use the breast pump

In the market we can find a large number of breast pumps, there are electric or mechanical. In the electrical ones, the suction of the milk is much more effective, but it presents some problems at the time of transporting it and they are more expensive than the manuals.

The mechanics suck the milk thanks to the force exerted by hand on the suction pump, these are more manageable and practical when transporting them.

The breast pump mimics what the baby does when breastfeeding, the device sucks the nipple and deposits the extracted milk in the lower container. Specialists advise that before starting it is preferable to stimulate the nipple very gently, in this way you will facilitate the expulsion of milk through the breast pump.

It is recommended to perform the extraction during the first hours of the day, since it is when there is more accumulated milk, although it is necessary to have a concordance with the schedules of the child's shots. This extraction always depends on the age of the baby, the older the less amount of milk you will need due to the introduction of new foods in your diet. As for the preservation of the extracted milk, you can use special bags that are sold in pharmacies or any suitable container of hard plastic or glass. But remember that if you have to freeze the milk, the containers have to be tightly closed and always filling them with the amount necessary for one take, no more.

When you need to defrost it, you must first place the container under the hot tap until you see that the milk is at room temperature. Always remember to shake the container once it has thawed as it loses homogeneity and settles in layers. Never decongestate it in the microwave and much less boil it, since nutrients and properties that milk provides to the baby are lost.

In the event that the milk does not need it at the moment, it is for the next day, simply take it out of the freezer and leave it in the fridge so that it gradually defrosts.

Video: How to use a breast pump. Breastfeeding (May 2024).