A move affects children's sleep

Sometimes, for a young child a move represents a trauma although it is not perceived, lives changes in their daily routines, do not find the environment to which he was accustomed, etc. Changing home means adapting again to the surrounding environment and each child can react differently, although there is a generalized reaction, more common, children do not sleep well for a season.

If your son slept well before moving home, indicate that he had the ability and ability to do so, therefore, if you see that your child does not want to sleep alone, it is very important that you try to convey what the new situation and that changes are always for the better. Show him your new room, how beautiful it is, what you can do in the new house and above all, that you notice the joy you feel.

When it comes to a temporary move, for example, they are renovating your home and you have to go live temporarily with the family, children perceive this new situation and try to take advantage, attract attention in a thousand ways and try to do things that they did not do before. , like going back to want to sleep with parents claiming a thousand and one excuses. Given these temporary changes, it is not necessary to falter to the pretensions of the child, since they can serve as a precedent for when you return to your home again and the child wants to continue doing what he was doing at his grandparents' house.

Faced with a temporary situation, it is necessary to convey to the child that everything will return to normal, that it is simply that, of a transitory situation. We must not give in to possible tantrums or whims that they normally did not have or were not allowed, since sometimes, they do not even want to return home because they feel very comfortable with their grandparents and have greater freedom. Grandparents also have to be involved in explaining these temporary changes, it will be a way to raise awareness of the child and not to take habits that will later be a little more difficult to control.