Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (SAF)

It is not known if there is a minimum amount of alcohol that can be consumed during pregnancy so that it does not have negative effects on the fetus, nor is there a period of pregnancy in which alcohol can be drunk without it being harmful, so it is very It is advisable to avoid alcoholic drinks during pregnancy and also if you are looking to stay in a state, because you can be pregnant and not know for a few weeks, in which the future baby would also be drinking alcohol.

Fetuses who have been exposed to alcohol during the prenatal period may suffer the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (SAF). They claim that the injuries produced by alcohol are much more serious than those of some drugs.

FAS is characterized by abnormal facial features, growth retardation, central nervous system problems, craniofacial and joint disorders, physical disabilities, attention and learning problems, it can even cause the death of the fetus. The child who has been exposed to alcohol suffers irreversible physical and mental injuries for the rest of his life. Each woman metabolizes alcohol differently and varies by age, if consumed with food or fasting, etc. Some researchers believe that a glass of wine has no risks to the fetus, but others claim that it is best not to taste or drop during pregnancy, since sporadic consumption of alcoholic beverages can produce ARND, incomplete forms of SAF, that is, suffer some clinical symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome but not all.

The injuries caused by alcohol to the fetus are more serious when the consumption is made in the first trimester of pregnancy, because it is when the nervous system is forming, so they recommend that before eating pregnant, healthy eating habits . Although in the second half of pregnancy there are many more sophisticated neurological mechanisms, so some beliefs are denied that in the last months of pregnancy the danger to the fetus is less. Alcohol easily passes the placental barrier and although it is easy for the mother to eliminate it, it is not for the baby.

Fetal alcohol syndrome is preventable, you just have to do without alcohol from the moment you want to get pregnant. And if you are and have ingested this type of drinks, the sooner you leave them the better, even so, do not forget to tell your doctor. But not only mothers have to prevent FAS, the father also plays an important role in helping the future mom to refrain from drinking alcohol, and if necessary, avoid social events or situations that invite her.

Video: Genetic risks play part in fetal alcohol syndrome (May 2024).