Carlos Santamaría, the Mexican boy who at just 12 years old will study Biomedical Physics at UNAM

In Babies and more, we have spoken on several occasions about gifted children, who used to be defined by the particularity of having an IQ (greater than 130), however, recent research and analysis, show that IQ is not the only or all that It defines them.

And that's exactly what he thinks Carlos Santamaría, the Mexican genius boy who at 12 years old, will begin his studies in Biomedical Physics at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

Gifted children: a pending subject

Gifted children and genius children are an issue that could be said to be "pending." There is still much to understand, analyze, investigate and learn about them, and it is important to do so, because this quality is not something that should be taken lightly, since it has been found that 80% of them fail at school due to lack of support for.

They are not children who only "learn faster than others," which is what most people usually think. The brain of these children is much more complex than this simple belief, because this is something that influences all aspects of your life: from learning to the way of seeing the world and socialization with other people.

Many people believe that school is usually easy for them, but in most cases, it is precisely where they present the most problems. Because of their way of thinking, many are bored or do not receive the stimulation or support they need, causing many of them to be misdiagnosed or have school failure.

The 12-year-old boy who will study at UNAM

Fortunately, this has not been the case with Carlos Santamaría, the genius child of whom I will speak today. Like other children with high abilities, their path has not been easy, because in his short 12 years he has been in 18 or 19 schools, but he has always had the support of his parents.

At nine years old, which was when he last studied the grade corresponding to his age, he began studying the first of the two graduates he has done: one of analytical chemistry and another in biochemistry and molecular biology for the pharmaceutical industry, both taught by the Faculty of Chemistry of the UNAM.

According to Excélsior, in a press conference he had recently with Mexican media, Carlos expressed what we were saying at the beginning about the IQ: "We don't give it importance, I don't think it's one of the priorities and never will be."

Finally and after following his desire to be constantly learning, this next semester Carlos will begin his studies at the age of 12 in Biomedical Physics at the Faculty of Sciences of the UNAM, where he entered after obtaining a perfect score of 120 hits.