The arrival of the baby at home, a whole change

The arrival of the baby at home It involves many changes, it can create several conflicts with the everyday that are easily resolved and overcome, provided that the parents are united and form a healthy and stable couple. In fact, changes are always overcome with these weapons, union, love and understanding.

Everything has changed and what it is about is to become aware since the pregnancy begins, sharing with the couple the concerns, doubts, fears and joys. Mutual support between both parties is essential for the welfare of the family. Communication is basic, speaking helps to overcome and grow mentally and sentimentally. It is a unique and exclusive stage that parents should fully enjoy.

When the baby is already at home, there are couples who tend to isolate themselves from social life and this is not beneficial for parents, a circle of friends is also to share the experience and enjoy the events. It is very important to share the tasks, father and mother must share the weight of the baby's upbringing, it is counterproductive to leave all the responsibility to a single parent. In addition, performing the actions together and distributing these tasks strengthens the family bond and relationship. More understanding of the situation is acquired and evolves as a person and as a member of the family unit.

A very important factor for the baby to evolve properly both physically and psychically is the family unit and the good relationship between all family members. Children show what they see, what they feel, they express it with their way of acting and with their happiness.

Father and mother live paternity and maternity in a different way, although the purpose is the same and we say different because the mother experiences the emotions with much more intensity and it is not for less, it is very large to carry the future baby in the womb. Parents sometimes feel in the background but the reality is that they are as important as the mother.