Agreement to stop the illegal importation of products from China

The EC reported in a statement that more than half of the dangerous products that were discovered last year in the EU, both food and toys, come from China, so the Government of China and the European Commission have signed two agreements to increase controls and fight against the importation of Asian products that may pose a health hazard.

More than one we have been able to verify how they market toys that are lacking in security and can cause an accident or intoxication to our children, in terms of food, it is not so visible, but so far this year six have already been detected Import cases of illegal chicken products from China.

To tackle the problem of counterfeit and illegal imported products, the health commissioner and the Chinese minister will collaborate with the EU while maintaining greater market surveillance. Training and technical assistance, the exchange of data between the Asian and European authorities and the new devices for monitoring products with risks to public health are part of a strategy that we hope will give the desired results.

Video: Chinese Import SCAMS?! Aliexpress & Alibaba Scams & How to Avoid Them with Amazon FBA & Dropshipping (May 2024).