Parents and involvement with the school

Teachers do a great educational work in schools with our children, but this must be complemented with our educational work at home. A collaboration and involvement of parents with the school It can be very beneficial, mainly for our children, but also for teachers and for ourselves.

Our involvement and concern for the school situation of children allows us to know more accurately the needs and aptitudes of our children. In this way we can help them to obtain better academic results by providing them with the necessary help in the areas where they present the most difficulty. It is also very beneficial to get involved with the school because as a team, you can develop new educational skills that for some reason, must be special or must have a different treatment. We know our children in many facets, some that we do not know, are known by teachers. The combination of both knowledge allows us to have a better understanding of the skills and difficulties of children, it is very beneficial that as parents we get involved in school through the tutorials that are done with teachers, through private meetings and helping our children with homework.

In fact, helping them with their homework makes children know that they have parents they can count on, attend more in class and spend more time studying, the same does not happen with children whose parents forget that they have children of age school. When we refer to help is, to solve the possible doubts or explain something that has not been clear to them in class, but at no time to do their homework for them, if not, our help would be rather a stumbling block for their learning that and an improvement and learning

Do you help your son to do his homework?

Video: Parent Involvement Makes a Difference to School Kids (July 2024).