Justice protects a worker who had requested to reduce his day in a fixed shift tomorrow, to take care of his son

The Social Court number 1 of Logroño has issued a favorable ruling to a worker asking for a reduction of your workday and a fixed shift in the morning, to take care of your young child. Initially, the company had denied him part of this right alleging organizational causes, but now he must comply with the sentence.

This news reminds us of another very similar one also happened in Logroño a few months ago, but this time starring a woman. In both cases, the right to care for minor children has prevailed over any other corporate organizational criteria.

The company did not want to assign a fixed shift

As the Workers Union Union (USO) explains in a press release, the worker had requested the reduction of an eighth of his workday in a fixed morning shift, being his usual schedule for rotating shifts in the morning, afternoon and evening.

The company, which did not have in its workforce any worker in a situation of reduced working hours, initially agreed to reduce one hour a day based on his work shift, but denied the fixed change to a morning shift referring to "organizational problems."

The man decided to denounce and a Court of Logroño has proved him right, as they did in other previous cases the courts of Navarra, Santander and La Rioja. Now, the worker will be able to choose the fixed shift that he wishes with a reduction in working hours included. The company will have to comply with the sentence since there is no recourse.

"It is evident that there is no real problem to reorganize production lines, so that the judgment considers the personal situation of the worker indifferent, since there is no collision of interests, in the sense that is legally and jurisprudentially required "- explained Isabel Cerrajería, secretary of USO La Rioja.

For the Workers Union, this sentence is a very important step "well the right to conciliation of personal, family and work life prevails on the false organizational problems alleged by many companies so as not to grant the adaptation requested by the workers ".

Co-responsibility and conciliation

As we have commented at the beginning, it is not the first time that we echo similar sentences where some companies have been forced to reorganize their workforce so that their workers can exercise their right to reconcile work and personal life.

And the lack of conciliation is one of the main problems that most working mothers and fathers encounter, many of whom must give up their professional career in order to take care of their children.

There are companies that little by little are making significant progress in reconciliation, such as the example of Ikea, which recently announced improvements in the working conditions of its employees, also increasing paternity leave to seven weeks, instead of the five established by law.

However, despite these advances, the reality is that much remains to be done in our country. Because we have said it on several occasions, but the solution does not happen by opening more nurseries or lowering the tuition costs, nor is it Being forced to give up the professional career when we become parents.

The initial solution would be to extend paternity and maternity leave to match those of other European countries, allow flexible schedules and shifts in companies, and encourage teleworking.

But in my opinion, all these labor reforms should also be accompanied by a change of business mentality that promotes equality and co-responsibility between mothers and fathers in matters of conciliation: because raising a child is a matter of two.

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