New form of hereditary rickets discovered

Rickets is a childhood disease that occurs when there is a deficiency in the mineralization of the child's bones, when they are in the growth phase. The pathology is characterized by the absence of vitamin D, so essential to maintain adequate levels of calcium and phosphorus in the body, it is deficiency rickets.

Now, a group of German, North American and Spanish researchers (from Zaragoza), have just discover a new form of hereditary rickets. The weight of the research has fallen to the Institute of Human Genetics in Munich (Germany) and the discovery has been made in 9 members of three families of different nationalities who presented the new form of hereditary rickets. Until now, known cases of rickets of hereditary origin are caused by the mutation of a gene (FGF23). The new variant is linked to the DMP1 gene, the parents are carriers of the disease but do not suffer from it and the child manifests the disease later than if he had deficiency rickets (after six months of age). An important factor to suffer from this disease would be poor exposure to sunlight.

Thanks to this discovery, the mechanism of phosphorus and calcium absorption by the body can be known in more detail. It is vital to know the diseases and the possible solutions, although they have very little impact on the population, and thus, the children who suffer from them may have a better quality of life.

That children are exposed to sunlight is really necessary, not only acquire a healthy color, your body thanks you growing properly.

Video: Dr. Charles Scriver Canadian Medical Hall of Fame Laureate 2001 (July 2024).