The flu vaccine in pregnant women does not protect the baby

The flu vaccine is recommended for pregnant women to avoid possible complications that harm their health and that of the future baby. It should be administered if you are in the flu season during the second or third trimester.

Children are recommended this vaccine between 6 and 23 months of age, since applied previously seems not to be effective since it does not stimulate the immune response, so they thought about the possibility of the vaccine applied to the future mother It could protect the fetus while it is in the womb, but it is unknown if it really helps babies prevent respiratory diseases. A study published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine in which they evaluated the cases of respiratory disease in 3,160 children whose mothers had received the flu vaccine and in 37,969 children of unvaccinated mothers, states that the vaccine applied to the mother did not significantly favor cases of respiratory disease nor delayed the appearance of these.

The conclusion of the study still appeals to all pregnant women, because although the flu vaccine has no positive or negative effects on the future baby, it is important and advisable to administer it to protect the health of the mother.

Video: Flu Vaccine Information for Pregnant Women and Children (May 2024).