Stress in pregnancy affects the baby

According to a recent investigation conducted in the United Kingdom, Children whose mothers had stress during pregnancy are more vulnerable to mental illness or behavioral disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

According to the study, stress caused by violent arguments between the couple is mainly harmful.

According to experts, the reason is that stress increases the levels of the hormone cortisol that crosses the placenta and high levels of it in the amniotic fluid is what causes the damage. The study found that babies exposed to high cortisol levels during their development, at 18 months of age, had a lower IQ and had a greater tendency to suffer anxiety and fear.

One of the doctors who participated in the Vivette Glover research at Imperial College London clarifies in the news that the work suggests that stress in the mother is a real risk factor. However, he acknowledges that genetic factors and the environment in the home after birth also affect the child's development and noted that most babies grow up without being affected by stress in the uterus.

On the other hand, other doctors who participated in the research David Coghill, a specialist in child and adolescent psychology at the University of Dundee, Scotland, said that pregnant women should not worry excessively about the results of the research, since the study It refers above all to extreme levels of stress.

Via and more information | BBCmundo In Babies and more | A study relates to stress with abortions In Babies and more | Moms with stress

Video: Maternal stress during pregnancy 'affects motor skills' of the Kids (July 2024).