My baby: jealousy of the older sister

I know that all children have been jealous of the arrival of a new brother, but when the situation touches our own family it becomes an existential drama.

At home, the older one can't control her jealousy.

I imagine that the situation is more bearable when the older brother is old enough to understand better that mom and dad have not stopped loving him but now his love is for two.

But when the age difference is very small, as in the case of my two-year-old girls, it is difficult to make her understand that the oldest mother and father should now multiply their attention by two, when before the exclusivity was her.

She has been the center of our world and of the house for two years, and now it is hard for her to accept that this has changed, that now there is another little person at home who also deserves all the attention and affection of the family.

She has moments when she loves to feel older, knowing how to do things that the little girl does not know and other times when she puts her finger in her mouth, asks for the pacifier and starts talking like a baby. She is asking to be treated like a baby again, when she was the center of the family universe.

It has been impossible even with two and a half years to leave diapers, typical effect of jealousy. But I have been recommended not to press it at all, that it will leave you when you feel more secure.

Jealousy is a natural reaction, they are inevitable. Child psychologists advise them to understand that mom and dad have a place in the heart reserved for each of their children.

They also recommend a lot of patience because it is a stage that must pass, which helps them to grow.

In this I am, I hope it happens soon and that these jealousies do not go to more.

Video: Extreme Jealousy Of Newborn Sibling (July 2024).