Technology Withdrawal Syndrome

As if it were an addict, a child who suffers from technological abstinence syndrome suffers from all kinds of problems, nervousness, anxiety, depressive stages, in short, a monkey that could be relieved if he was again given permission to surf the web, Messaging with the mobile or hooking up to the games of the game console.

Using new technologies excessively and relying on them is a problem that is initiated by forced marches in our society and especially in the youngest. The Office of the Ombudsman for Minors informs us that during 2004 and 2005, up to 47% of children used new technologies excessively and 9% were considered addicted. This addiction generates in its victims an identical picture to the withdrawal syndrome that a drug-dependent person presents when he is deprived of his dose.

All excesses are negative and more when they are made by the most immature minds, new technologies are found in our society and parents sometimes, thinking of providing the best to our children, even if they are small, we buy the latest and the best , the most innovative and technological, even when it comes to a simple stuffed animal. This is one of the problems that parents have contributed to increase, always thinking of giving the little ones what we ourselves do not receive, we encourage the increase of such innovative problems as the one we are dealing with, the Technological Abstinence Syndrome.

This problem is already present among many children who are 12 and 13 years old, but as we go, it will not be strange that every time they are smaller who suffer an extreme dependence on new technologies. It must be remembered that many of the problems that have been considered as corresponding to adult ages have ended up being established in the child population.

We must be responsible, we as parents must dose the new technologies from the first moment in which the child comes into contact with them, a mobile has become a gift that is made every year at an earlier age, children with 5 and 6 years play the game console proving to be great professionals, their fingers move like a fish in the water. New lifestyles encourage new problems for society and parents should try to avoid them our children.

Video: Addiction: A Level AQA: withdrawal syndrome (May 2024).