A baby of 15 months and 25 kilos

The issue of childhood obesity is going from being a worrying topic to a pressing issue, both for parents and for doctors.

A sample of the extremes that these cases reach is that of Mateus Araújo, a Brazilian child who was born with a normal weight of 3,650 kilos and now, With a year and three months it has a weight of 25 kilos, 14 above the recommended for its age.

The "super baby", which after three months weighed 10 kilos and increases 1.5 kilos per month, has been monitored every month since he was born, but doctors do not find the cause of overweight.

The matter worsens because three months ago the child suffered fainting and it is not known why.

A good Samaritan has offered to finance a treatment where he will be controlled by a group of experts, including endocrinologists and child psychologists.

The mother, who says the baby follows the diet given by a nutritionist, complains that doctors blame her for her son's illness.

It reminds me of the case of the obese child in Britain whose mother was about to take custody because she was not able to feed her child correctly.

This type of case leads us to ask ourselves a forced question, do you think that parents are responsible for their children's obesity?

Video: Neonatal ICU for premature babies (June 2024).