There are those who openly justify child prostitution

Through the digital publication El Plural, we have met an outrageous news, apparently a columnist of Digital Freedom justifies the existence of child prostitution in poor countries arguing that it is one of the means by which they can obtain economic income in the family.

Jorge Valín presents some very crazy ideas, affirms that child prostitution is a way of survival and that it should not be vetoed. He mentions those who carry out child sex tourism and the status of heroes of freedom, it seems that he even admires them, indicating that they help and contribute to the survival of families and the country in general. It also defends the traffic of children and those who practice it, undoubtedly in our opinion it is someone who is not very clear about the concepts of good and evil, of suffering, of physical and psychological damage, of need, etc.

Undoubtedly each person has their ideas and concepts, and one can agree or not, but there are points where there is no possible opinion. In this case, defending child prostitution is a fact that should be condemned and vetoed categorically, and we would like this person (if it can be called that), to be in the place of one of those children who suffer from having to sell your body

I wish they would not allow him to publish a single article, people of this kind can only contribute to this practice being maintained, allowing and justifying that thousands of children, how old they are, are immersed in that harmful world.

Video: Inside The Life Of A 'Virtuous' Paedophile (July 2024).