Chocolate is the children's favorite word

Within the framework of the Fourth Congress of the Language, the XIII Congress of the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language, called the Congress, was held in Medellin Colombia as the participants were children from that Colombian city between the ages of 9 and 13.

Among the conclusions of the congress is a list of the words preferred by children, where Chocolate was selected as the most beloved. And surely my 3 year old would have supported them if he had attended. The rest of the words are: music, crispeta, laughter, dreaming, soccer, magic, friend and mom. They also released a series of "new" words, which they say will be used in the future and some are very funny as: "flapigozo" combination of happiness and joy, "lumpereza" which is defined as the laziness that gives Mondays to go to school or work, "murmur" murmur that is heard in silence, "sad" sadness that feels like a hole in the belly and has no definite reason, "pionilla" comb used to get lice, " pinochada "a lie that is growing more and more" japisteza "when you feel sadness and joy at the same time.

The combined words were elaborated by the children in school workshops and selected by the children of the congress. A great initiative that stimulates the creativity of children who always love to invent new words.