Vending machines betrayers of what our children consume

The concern for healthy eating in children is increasingly noticeable, this concern has also echoed the business of the vending machine business. We have known how in the United States they have applied, in an ingenious way, the technology in vending machines.

Horizon OneSource has developed some Vending machines that grant an account to each child, that account is for informational purposes and serves so that, through the network, parents can check what products their children have consumed. The idea is original, however, it would be better to advocate for 100% healthy products on the machines, that way we can be totally sure that they do not consume food that promotes overweight and obesity. As we say in Direct to the Palate, the Spanish vending machines are ahead of the American ones, since there is a special effort in renewing food by discarding unhealthy products.

Not long ago, up to 70% of vending machines in schools were already renovated and 100% of these machines are expected to offer only healthy products.

It is necessary to have adequate means for children to grow up surrounded by healthy habits and products.

Video: English MINIFORCE Season1 :: Scary Vending Machine (May 2024).