The British will have the right to breastfeed in public by law

That breastfeeding the baby wherever it is is a right of all mothers is clear, but it helps that legally it is too.

Due to the low percentage of mothers who breastfeed their babies up to six months (1 in 5) in the United Kingdom, the British Ministry of Health wants to make things easier for them to promote breastfeeding.

It will become a right recognized by law. Mothers will be able to breastfeed their babies anywhere and they can pause their jobs during the day to breastfeed their children.

The project will also ask that it be considered an offense to prevent a woman from breastfeeding in public.

Likewise, stores should offer mothers all the facilities so that they can breastfeed their children quietly.

Let's say that the offended will become mothers in situations where they are not allowed to feed their children in restaurants, shops or in any public place.

I'm glad, unfortunately there are still cases in which the opposite happens. That others are considered offended to witness a fact as natural as breastfeeding a baby.

I hope it serves as an example for other countries, including Spain, where the numbers of women who breastfeed their babies are also in sharp decline.

Some measures that help to promote breastfeeding would not hurt at all.