Baby porridge is not so good according to a nutrition expert

Normally we are used to that once we start introducing foods other than breast milk into the baby's diet they are given, at least at the beginning, in the form of porridge or mash.

However, now it seems that this custom is not entirely right, at least that is the opinion of an expert nutritionist, Gill Rapley, deputy director of the UNICEF Baby Initiative in the United Kingdom.

According to Rapley, feeding babies with this type of food is unnatural and unnecessary and states that even this type of food could cause health problems in the child later in life.

Something everyone agrees is that babies should be fed the first six months exclusively with milk. Some experts like Rapley recommend after six months to introduce solid foods in order to better control the amount of food they should eat and also prevent the child from becoming picky at mealtime, however others think that the introduction of solids It should be gradually, as the baby may have some difficulty ingesting them.

According to Gill Rapley, purees or porridge can cause nutritional problems later in life because children fed in this way have little control over the amount of food they eat. He also adds that it makes them vulnerable to constipation and this type of food can also delay the child's ability to chew.

However, for other specialists such as Jessica Lorenzo, a nutrition expert at the University of Buenos Aires, solids should be introduced gradually between the sixth and tenth months, since although the child's masticatory movements start from the sixth month, still there is no capacity for rotary movements of the jaw.

According to the news in what both specialists agree, is that today the baby food industry has made many mothers accustom children to feed only or mostly with purees, strains, chopped, and porridge, which to the Long can be harmful to the child.

In my opinion that I am not an expert in nutrition, each baby has its own rhythm, some tend to reject solids more than others and mothers learn to know our little ones even in these details and the important thing is to make the child a year later. able to share the food with the rest of the family.

Video: Keeping Babies Healthy (May 2024).