The beginning of classes is coming, some recommendations

The school year is about to begin and we parents wonder how we will do to return to the schedule of schedules and obligations after the holidays.

There are some tips that we can follow to make the transition more bearable.

The most complicated thing is to rearrange the hours of sleep, for that you have to start a few days earlier to put the children to bed earlier than usual so that the next day they also get up earlier.

Hopefully, as they are accustomed to falling asleep later, at the time you put them to bed they don't want to know anything about falling asleep, that's why it is convenient to start as soon as possible so they can get used to it. Ideally, start a week before advancing 10 or 15 minutes each day when going to bed.

It is also important that the first days of school you wake them up ten minutes before to avoid the stress of changing and having breakfast with just the right time.

To create excitement about going back to school, talk with the child about school, about his classmates, what his routine will be like, help him prepare the materials, and if it is a new school, take him to meet him before the first day of school.

A good advice that a friend has given me is to allow the first few days to carry a toy or a familiar object in the backpack with which they feel more secure.

Of course, it is recommended to accompany him on the first day of school (if possible both parents) and dismiss him affectionately but surely, even if we are more anxious than they are.

It is best to tell him that he will have a great time with his teacher and friends, and that we will look for him later.

Video: Top 10 Best Starter and Beginner Tips for Borderlands 2 Class & Weapon Recommendations #PumaCounts (May 2024).