Earnest project, relationship between infant feeding and adult diseases

On several occasions we have spoken in Babies and more about the importance of the food that our children receive, for their well-being now and in the future, when they develop reaching adulthood. A large group of researchers and experts from 16 European countries, take part in an interesting project that tries to analyze exactly the relationship between the feeding of children and the diseases that they can suffer in adulthood, be it obesity, diabetes, allergies or problems cardiovascular, it's about Earnest project.

The purpose of the project is to offer answers that avoid this relationship through the different means available, through food guides, information campaigns, etc. What is surprising is that of the 38 universities that participate in this project to improve infant feeding and obtain a better prevention against diseases, only one Spanish university is present. The University of Granada develops, together with the rest of the universities and companies that participate in the project, food at all stages of the child, from the moment it is conceived. Everything influences so that tomorrow, the child as an adult, is in an optimal state of health, the mother's feeding, the feeding of the baby with breast milk and the feeding during her childhood. Providing a clear and concise answer that allows parents to be aware of the importance of food is a task that will improve the health status of future generations.

But advice is not enough, so all the studies shown will have a scientific basis that demonstrates these relationships. As a project it is interesting, although it may not be as effective as scientists want, remember that there have already been numerous studies that reflect the importance of breastfeeding or the need to incorporate certain foods and guidelines in children's diets, these studies also show what are the negative consequences for children, however, it seems that they are not heard.

Information is not a completely effective means, it would be necessary for institutions, schools or governments themselves to be more involved in the issue, to ban those foods that are not recommended for their components, such as industrial pastries. Raising awareness among parents is essential, it depends on the quality of life of the child in the future is guaranteed.