Vaccine Reactions

Vaccines are substances that make it possible for those who receive them to make defenses against a series of infectious diseases, even if they do not have them. Thanks to them, very serious and fatal childhood diseases have been eradicated.

Many parents care about reactions the baby may have with vaccination, the reactions are usually mild and disappear without sequelae.

The most frequent reaction in the first 48 hours after receiving the vaccine is fever. It usually does not rise 38 degrees, and in case of climbing a little more or if the child manifests discomfort, the doctor prescribes an anthermal. Redness and heat may appear in the injection area: it is very frequent and, to relieve it, you can apply wet cloths in cold water.

After the puncture a small lump may appear that will disappear in a few days. If it hurts, dry heat can be applied, for example, a cloth previously heated in the radiator or with an iron.

In the case of the viral triple, red and small spots may appear on the skin after 5 to 12 days after application, which disappear within a few days.

If it is observed that the baby has other types of reactions or these last more than three days, the pediatrician should be consulted.