Will we survive the caesarean section?

Although it sounds a little alarmist, it is the question asked by the French obstetrician Michel Odent, absolute defender of humanized childbirth, at the Suavinex Professional Days "New trends at birth and the importance of love" aimed at midwives that have been carried out in Barcelona.

I believe that while caesarean sections are increasing both in Spain and in the rest of the world, we must not be so apocalyptic either. We will survive them, at least I hope so, that the new strategies towards a more natural birth will be effective. I don't want to think that two out of three children will be born by caesarean section the next decade.

For this, it is essential to reduce medical interventions during childbirth and treat it as a physiological fact that is what it is, and not as an appendicitis operation.

Mind you, let's not put caesarean section as the bad movie, in many cases it is necessary to save lives. The conflict is when it goes from being an exceptional method to becoming routine because it can be a safer form from the medical point of view.

According to the professor of sociology at the University of Alicante, Raúl Ruiz Callado, also present at the conference, the causes of the increase in caesarean sections are due to the increase in the average age to maternity of Spanish women in general, as well as a greater presence of private health since private caesarean sections are usually chosen as a precaution in private centers. "It is the application in the health of the scientific organization of work," he says.

For his part, Odent has spoken at the meeting about the need to propose a new trend of birth. It demands a greater prominence of midwives to provide maternal support to women at the time of giving birth and that the presence of the gynecologist occurs only in special situations.

I am totally in favor of it, in fact I have always defended the need to return to a more natural birth, but above all to the birth that every woman chooses.