Suspension in family-work conciliation and its consequences

Although we can all imagine it and we live it in our own meats, is a relief and the first step that experts recognize and denounce.

In Spain not only suspend education, as the Pisa report already demonstrated, but also the policy of companies on family reconciliation. What we currently have is absence of politics because only the 7% of Spanish companies are familiarly responsible, that is to say, they have an entrepreneurial culture that facilitates making work and personal life compatible

One of the eminences in this subject, the IESE professor, Nuria Chinchilla, has just presented a report of the International Labor and Family Center in which he portrays the Spanish business situation and expressed it clearly: "the cost of not reconciling is very high for companies". And for society and our families, of course.

The good news is that 30% of companies have some kind of measure underway and that we have improved a bit compared to previous studies.

The 2 big problems according to experts are:

  • Schedule: The fact of starting work later than the rest of Europe, stopping for two hours to eat and lengthening the day until almost the night "does not help to make work with the family compatible", that is why from many instances "measures are already required" to get in line with European schedules. "
  • The Spanish business culture is still very face-to-face. "Many bosses believe that the good worker is the one who has more hours in the office, and that is a big mistake," says the IESE professor. She proposes that the Government create measures, such as tax incentives and points for public tenders that reward companies that facilitate conciliation.

The study also highlights that the sectors with more female presence, such as education, public administration or health, are those that apply more measures, such as the reduction of schedules or teleworking, which facilitate compatibility.

What these reports do not usually explain to us are the consequences of the lack of conciliation: either the job is abandoned or lives in work and not raise children. And these options are usually neither satisfactory nor voluntary for the mother or father.

Excessive absence of parents from home has been associated with school failure, the greater sedentary lifestyle and consumption of TV and video games (with childhood obesity that entails), lack of communication with the children and of course lost link with them.

Many authors talk about that the current DES-MADRADA upbringing (grow up with little presence of father or mother) and detached is the seed of a cold, aggressive, materialistic society and little respectful of others.

Promoting conciliation is also working for a better world. Let's see if they find out!